Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Pin It Blog Hop Started Today

The Pin It Blog Hop started today and there are so many cute and creative pin cushions.  Take a few minutes to click on the Pin It link and visit with everyone.

I still can't show you my creation yet but here are a few more pin cushions that I have in my collection.

I have tons of those crocheted heart pin cushions in all sorts of condition.  I don't care if they are sad or not I still think they are cute and include them with the rest.  You probably noticed the little green turtle setting outside the basket.  Here is a close-up of her.

Now most of the time I see these crocheted turtles and they have soap in them and I pass on them but this one was really a pin cushion.  She even had needles stuck in her and they weren't rusty.  What makes her really unusual, at least in my book anyway, is her stuffing--human hair!  She has a few little holes in the lining and you can take a pin and pull some up.  Now a few of my friends think this is really creepy and gross, but I think it is just plain fun and unusual.  I know, I'm weird and I freely admit it--LOL! 




  1. Well... if you are ever in Independence, Missouri ( the home of President Harry Truman) you will have to go to the Hair Museum where they have room after room of things made with human hair. Everything from pictures to rings to bracelets... and so on!!

  2. Now I want to know whose hair it is and why it's in there!


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