Saturday, March 7, 2020

Scrap Happy Saturday

Today was a baking day as I finished my last cake for my Lori Holt Cake Walk quilt!  I was so happy when Angela announced Teal as the color for March because I thought that was exactly the color I needed to finish my cakes.

Last year I did finish one more cake and never got around to showing it so I will today as I am going to interpret the stand as turquoise-like, lol!

For some reason my camera/computer was acting a bit like a "smart phone" as I took this photo last year and took another one today that has a lace embellishment on it which apparently my technology recognized as an old photo--go figure.  I bought the lace in 1998 when I was in Ireland/Northern Ireland.

Most of my cakes still need an applique topper and I may end up linking up with everyone at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Stitching Sunday once I figure out what I want to do. 

I also decided to do some real baking today as well.  I have been wanting to try Pink Praline Brioche which I had tried when I was in Paris--it was delicious!  I was pleasantly surprised to find pink pralines on Amazon and they are shipped from France.  I also had some French butter in the freezer that I carried in my luggage from Paris in an insulated bag.  No problem with butter and customs so all was good.  Yesterday I mixed the dough and this morning I made the bread. 


My efforts weren't too bad and the bread is quite tasty.  I was a little concerned about it being completely baked and I think it is pretty close, plus it is a little more brown than I wanted.  I used Paul Hollywood's recipe for Brioche and found a Pink Praline recipe from Eva Bakes.  I will definitely give this bread another try with a few tweeks.

Finally, I want to thank Sandy, Vierya and Susie H. for letting me know the pattern I was looking for in a previous post was Meadow and I was able to purchase it on Amazon/Alice in Stitches.  Stay tuned as I have to do quite a bit of pondering on how I want to do Meadow.

I am linking up with everyone at SOS Scrappy on the first Teal/Turquoise Saturday of the month.  




  1. Your cakes are great, love the turquoise and pink. Pink Praline Brioche looks absolutely yummy.

  2. I just had to come and look at your cakes. They are so pretty! I made one for my granddaughter in 2014 when Lori had a free pattern on her blog.
    Yum on the praline brioche bread!

  3. I think your teal cake looks great. Isn't it amazing when you're hoping for a particular color and the stars align and that turns out to be the chosen color??!! Your pink brioche looks delish ... now if only you could have made teal praline brioche! Lol! Have a great week!


Thanks for your comments!