Thursday, April 17, 2014

Montmartre Cats

Last week was a pretty exciting week as I was in Paris!  Trip planning kept me pretty busy a few weeks before we left so not much sewing happened around here.  Our trip was wonderful and we visited the touristy stuff and a did a few other things as well.

We stayed in Montmartre instead of Central Paris this time and it was the best.  On our first day we ventured out to Montmartre Cemetery.  The cemetery is beautiful and is situated below the city so it is really peaceful and quiet. The stonework is just amazing.  Maria, my fellow traveler, took tons of great photos and of course I don't have them yet so you are stuck with what little I did take.

No sooner had we started our way through the cemetery when we ran into the friendliest man who was feeding a large cat colony that lives in the cemetery.  I do volunteer work with cat rescue groups and help out with trap-neuter-return (TNR) so it was such a surprise to find a like-minded cat purrson in Paris.  He took us to one of his stations to see the kitty but the cat was no where to be seen.

One would never know that there is a cat condo tucked in between the graves.  Here is the side entrance--so clever!

One of the Montmartre cats waiting for his meals-on-wheels!  Yes, the caregiver did have a cart with all of his care items available so he could easily go from station to station. 
As we continued to stroll through the cemetery we did see quite a few cats that were most likely waiting for their daily visit from their caregiver.

We also got to meet a very special cat named Minute who lived right around the corner from our hotel.  As we ventured out each day we would see this big orange kitty curled up on a motorcycle sleeping the day away in front of a little grocery.

Every time we would stop and ohhh and ahhh over the kitty we noticed we were being watched by someone in the grocery so of course we went in and introduced ourselves and everyone became fast kitty friends.  Minute is 11 years old and is apparently much-loved in the community.  He spent a lot of time on the motorcycle sleeping away but he also took advantage of any vehicle that was parked near the grocery entry as well.
Of course we want to send Minute one of the catnip mice we make for rescues so when we got home we searched online to see if we could get the exact address of Sitis Market and found a video!  It is just too cute.
Now if I only understood French!



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